Lanang Premier Doctors Hospital, Inc.: Setting a Benchmark for the Healthcare Industry

For any Construction Firm in Davao, hospitals are the most complicated sorts of structures. Each hospital has a diverse set of services and functional units. Lobbies, dialysis rooms, offices, and recovery rooms and the core inpatient care or bed-related function that could help on food service and housekeeping.

All hospitals, regardless of location, dimensions, or financial implications, should have specific characteristics that help in the ultimate goal of curing a patient. We discovered these characteristics during Argus Builder’s construction phase of the Lanang Premiere Doctors Hospital, Inc. 

Healthcare Construction Firm

An effective hospital plan should: 

  • Promote staff efficiency by reducing the distance required to walk between frequently used spaces; 

  • Allow for simple visual surveillance of patients by limited personnel on the counter; and • Include all essential but not excess spaces. This necessitates meticulous pre-design planning.

  • Make good use of space by placing support spaces such that they may be shared by neighboring functional sections and by making good use of multi-purpose spaces.

  • Consolidate outpatient functions on the first level for more efficient operation and direct access for outpatients.

  • Group or merge offices away from main major hallways.

Environment that is Therapeutic

Patients in hospitals are frequently scared and confused, and these emotions can hinder rehabilitation. Every effort should be taken to ensure that the hospital stay is as safe, comfortable, and stress-free as possible. The interior designer is an important part of the endeavor to create a healing atmosphere. The interior design of a hospital should be based on a thorough understanding of the facility's goal and patient profile. The patient profile's features will decide how much the interior design should handle age, loss of visual acuity, other physical and mental impairments, and abusiveness.


  • Using familiar and culturally appropriate materials and design whenever consistent with sanitation and other practical demands is one of the most essential components of creating a therapeutic environment.

  • Healthcare Facility Builders have to be particular that some colors are unsuitable and might interfere with provider evaluations of patients' pallor and skin tones, disorient older or handicapped patients, or irritate patients and staff, particularly some mental patients.

  • Providing views of nature from every patient bed and wherever possible; picture murals of natural settings are useful if external vistas are not accessible.

  • Incorporating a "way-finding" approach into each project. Patients, visitors, and staff must all know where they are, where they are going, and how to get there and back. Making places easy to discover, identify, and utilize without asking for assistance increases a patient's perception of competence. Building features, color, texture, and pattern, as well as artwork and signs, should all provide indications.


Aesthetics is strongly connected to the creation of a healing environment (homelike, attractive). It helps improve the hospital's public image and so serves as an essential marketing tool. A better atmosphere also improves worker morale and patient care. Aesthetic considerations:

  • Greater reliance on natural light, natural materials, and textures

  • Using visual artwork on walls 

  • Paying attention to proportions, color, scale, and detail 

  • Creating bright, open, and generously scaled public areas

  • A homelike and intimate size in patient rooms, day rooms, consulting rooms, and offices; and 

  • Exterior design compatibility with its physical surroundings.


These qualities are what Argus Builders aspire all Healthcare Construction Companies to realize that construction is not only about doing the job and earning. It is about building a home for everyone that means everything for them. Argus Builders constructs establishments with the passion to help people. Allow us to help you out with your visioned establishment today! Call us now and we could give you a quote right away.


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