The Relationship of an Architect and an Engineer

In completing a project such as constructing a building, an architect and engineer often come together as a pair. However, their difference might still confuse some. Aside from that, it may be difficult to determine what exactly their relationship should be and how can this affect the project at hand. In this article, the relationship between and an architect and an engineer is something we shall be tackling. 

An architect concentrates more on the artistry and design of the structure, whereas an engineer concentrates more on the technical and structural aspect. This is the main distinction between an architect and an engineer. An engineer ensures that a structure is safe and functional while the architect is focused on making it aesthetically beautiful. Of course, there is a great deal of overlap. When designing a structure, architects take the needs and specifications of the client into account. In accordance with the architect's plans, engineers develop the building's plumbing, electrical, and structural systems. An architect must create a scaled drawing before beginning to design any building. An engineer must evaluate the design and choose materials that can support the structure securely before approving an architect's plan.

To realize the client's vision, apply the design standards, and construct a high-quality and performance building, architects and engineers should interact and communicate. Ever since, there has been a major barrier in the industry since people have believed that the architect's job only applies during the design phase and the engineer's duty begins during construction. However, that is not really case since it is crucial for both architects and engineers to stay present throughout the duration of a project. In the absence of an engineer during the conceptualization of a project, it would be hard to determine the type of system that is most suitable for it.  In addition, it is also difficult to ensure that the building follows the original design concept and idea if the architect is not participating in the construction phase. The architect represents the right brain's creativity and ingenuity, while the engineer represents the left brain's ability to be practical and build systems. In reality, both complement one another.

The fields of architecture and civil engineering are comparable. Both of them are active in the planning and construction of structures. When designing a building project, they collaborate together despite having diverse priorities and viewpoints. The engineer focuses on the physics involved in the development project while the architect takes the lead on design.

Here in the Philippines, Argus Builders, a design and build company in Davao City, is among the  general contractors in Mindanao. They have a large team of architects and engineers that can make your dream project come to life. Aside from that, they also offer interiror office and hotel fit-out for business projects that you might be currently working on. They have had a wide range of clients which is why you’re assured of quality performance and output should you opt to have Argus Builders as your construction contractor. 


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