Over the years, the world has seen many revolutions and technological advances, but we have yet to find a fool-proof solution to permanently eliminating mosquitoes. In a tropical country like the Philippines, mosquitos are a major issue with both indoor and outdoor dining. Not only are mosquito bites uncomfortable, but they can also be lethal health hazards because they are known to carry and spread malaria or dengue fever, putting a person's life in great danger. Malaria is the most prevalent parasitic disease, spread by the female Anopheles mosquito. It is treatable and curable, although it can be fatal if not properly controlled. Malaria has remained a public health concern and is now a worldwide health priority, which is why we should make efforts to eliminate mosquitoes beginning with ourselves.

1. Prevent mosquitos from entering.

To obtain a mosquito-free environment, the first step is to prevent them from entering. Because most insects enter through openings in doors or windows, it is critical to inspect these crevices for mosquito populations. One of the more effective mosquito control strategies is to hang a mosquito net over the windows. Another thing to do is maintain the surrounding area clean, with grass mowed and no stagnant water that could serve as a breeding site for mosquitoes. With the preventive measure in place, a significant reduction is guaranteed.

2. Choosing light and bright-colored paints

Mosquitos perceive colors differently than most insects and can detect hues that are not in the UV range. As a result, choosing brighter colors may repel these pests more effectively. According to University of Washington experts, the greatest colors for repelling mosquitos are white, green, blue, and purple. This isn't because mosquitoes dislike these hues; rather, they reflect heat and light, which mosquitoes despise, which is why they emerge at night.

3. Introduce air and breeze.

Mosquitoes despise areas with strong breezes and wind because they find it difficult to fly. Fans disrupt the flow of carbon dioxide, catching mosquitos off guard as they try to figure out where you are. A fan, as an added bonus, keeps you cool. Mosquitoes have a more harder time identifying and biting you when you're not sweating as much and putting off as much body heat. You may also opt to install large airy windows in your homes – just make sure to install nets or screens to repel insects, especially mosquitos, from entering. These large windows are great ways to introduce natural breeze into your space. Aside from the freshness it provides, it may also be a helpful way to cut down on electricity costs. 

If you’re looking for a construction company in Davao city, you may check out Argus Construction Services. They are a general construction company that can surely address any of your construction needs. With mosquito season coming up soon, you may contact them for assistance in repelling various insects, such as mosquitos, through proper construction in your homes. To learn more about them, you may reach them on their website to find out more about the services that they offer.




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