Client Feature: How This Hotel’s Dining Facility was Designed and Built in Consideration of Pandemic Restrictions

The COVID-19 epidemic has had a significant impact on how development, construction and design firm’s work. The sector is presently negotiating constantly shifting government directives about firm closures, many of which differ by city ordinance, as well as severe interruptions to ongoing projects. 

This was one of the challenges on our latest project on a resort construction at Mati, Dahican. Planning and construction of the hotel is a big thing to brainstorm with the team. We focus on the resort’s dining facilities and how we made it in consideration of the pandemic’s restriction in two ways. We are looking at the perspective of constructing it and the design of the dining facilities.


Construction Method

In the Philippines the government had the initiative of creating the Construction Guidelines for Project Implementation during the period of Public Health Emergency for Davao construction companies to comply. 

This is the baseline for the new construction method during the pandemic (please provide link The guideline did not touch on the technical construction methodologies but focused more on the logistics and safety of the workers so as to avoid violations and unwanted work stoppages. 

Generally, the guidelines include prevention, detection, and rapid response measures designed to achieve a safe construction protocol to keep away from the COVID 19 contact in consideration of comfort on work and work efficiency to maintain business continuity across the construction industry.

Design And Planning

Dining places are the most populated areas in a resort. Aside from the beach or possibly the pool at recreation time, the dining room is the most probable place for viruses to spread. In consideration of the health protocols, all dining rooms are designed to fit those protocols.

For instance, the resort has rooftop dining and possibly changes to a bar once the pandemic is over. On the common dining area instead of having cemented walls we opt for big glass slider walls that could be opened for a seemingly alfresco dining. Once the pandemic is over it could transform to closed doors covered with window blinds or window decals. 

Public spaces such as dining areas are highly conducive for spreading any kind of infection. Given the current global situation, imposed health protocols have required these spaces to make certain adjustments. 

For instance, the capacity of dining areas have been halved so the tables can be spaced farther apart. Ventilation also has become a major consideration which favors an al fresco dining setup more than the usual enclosed and air-conditioned area. This allows better air exchange inside the area rather than recirculating it by mechanical means. The restaurant also has turned its roof deck into an extension of the dining area, not only to increase capacity but also to provide a great view of the surrounding seascape. 

Planning And Construction Reciprocity 

The protocols in construction and planning for the furniture use of the resort actually benefit from one another on following the health protocols. 

The practice of exchanging things with others for mutual benefit, especially privileges granted by one country or organization to another. One of these is the practice of sanitation areas around the area, social distancing, regular sanitation of places, and all other necessary sanitation required is already practiced in the construction phase. In that way, the contractors have already tried the place out for the most common use of the place, which would be sanitation. 
These are just some of the applications Argus Builders have made for our client’s resort. Since the construction phase has already partly tested the place, then more so will it be a great flow once the establishment is done. To learn more about possibly the best construction management firm in Davao and what we can do, visit our social media websites. We could assist you with your inquiries and even make a quote for you over the phone! Call us now!


Argus and its 5 Years of Ecotourism partnership with Davao Oriental


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